Gum Treatment

Gum Treatment

A lot of people have gum problems. Milleara Dental & Cosmetic has the solution.

Gum Problems Can Ruin Your Smile

Gum disease is a huge issue for people around the word. People don't tend to think about their gum health as regularly as they do about the health of their teeth. However, there's a deep connection between the two. Gum disease can cause your teeth to fall out. Even if you keep those pearly white to their old age, it won't help if they've fallen out!

Milleara Dental & Cosmetic is ready for any gum problem you throw at us. Our gum specialist dentist will work with you to adjust your brushing habits, which can be a major factor in causing periodontal problems, and we'll also work to clean your gums and help fight. Once you have a gum disease, it's very difficult to get rid of. But that doesn't mean it's impossible! Our gum dentist can come up with a plan to heal your gums.

The Milleara Dental & Cosmetic Promise

Milleara Dental & Cosmetic understands that dental care can be scary and expensive. That's why we believe in adding a personal touch to everything we do. When you come to our office, we don't just see dollar signs. We see someone who deserves expert dental care: someone whose dental habits now will affect their oral health for the rest of their life.

We promise to be clear with you about how we work. We'll let you know any problems we see, and we'll let you know what you can do at home to improve your dental health.

That's the Milleara Dental & Cosmetic promise.


Opening Hours

Monday                                     9AM to 5.30PM

Tuesday                                     9AM to 5.30PM

Wednesday                              9AM to 5.30PM

Thursday                                  9AM to 5.30PM

Friday                                            9AM to 5PM
Essendon clinic                         Closed


Keilor East by Appointment Only

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